Friday 7 March 2014

Our Favourite Blogger(s)

Now that we're married, The Wonder Thing is continually exposed to my (slightly obsessive) youtube watching habits.

Being as that none of them benefit him directly, he fails to see the appeal in watching and reading other people's work. Especially when I don't comment on them.

But the other day his sister sent him a video that, for those up to date in the natural world, is kind of old. It's the one of the guy doing his wife's hair.  The Wonder Thing loved it and now he's always bugging me to watch their videos together, instead of watching yet another hair video. He was fascinated by Ty's revelations on raising bi-racial children, stunned by his weight loss and amused by his antics with his children....basically, I think he wants to be best friends with Ty ;)

Well, at least he gets the appeal now.

I can't post any of the videos, since embedding is disabled, but I can definitely leave you with this screenshot:

I would definitely check that hair video out, at the very least! 

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic! Joint YouTube watching. I have seen a video or two of theirs, but maybe not this one. I'll have to check back.


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