Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hey There!

I have, in the past 6 months, moved between 3 countries, 5 cities, over 10 towns and many, many houses.

There have been cards, presents, far too much packing and an obscene excess of goodbyes to people I desperately want to see again. Many shenanigans, not always of my own making *glares at computer*

I have moved house twice, celebrated the birthdays of 6 family members', not including the birth of a new one) and gotten married (just once. Or maybe twice, depending on who you ask).

In short, I’m utterly knackered

As you might have guessed, looking after my hair (and myself in general) has taken a long back seat and hasn’t really been a priority of mine, despite its appearance being a looming focus for myself and many an aunt (more on that later).

I feel like I've completely fallen off the bandwagon of feeling bothered with my appearance and, after finally purchasing a mirror and taking a look at my ghastly reflection within, I'm more than desperate to climb back on.

Starting with the basics of course...


  1. See, your life has been so full that I had to reread this post to make sure I got it all. Congratulations!!!! Wishing you all the best and many fun times ahead.

    1. Thank you so much! Haha, at the very least, we're starting off reasonably well, which hopefully counts for something! You've definitely been busy too, re-decorating and making over aspects of your home - makes me want to (finally) clear my table and get back to learning to sew myself.
      Oh, and Happy belated Birthday to you as well! :) Hope it was a great one :D


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